Academic Linguist Carol O'Flynn de Chaves at Los Andes University in Bogota discussing  Islander English, Creole, and Standard Caribbean English
A typical street in North End, downtown, San Andrés with duty free goods mainly selling to Colombian tourists to take back to their homes in the Mainland.
A typical street in North End, downtown, San Andrés with duty free goods mainly selling to Colombian tourists to take back to their homes in the Mainland.

This website contains an Archive of research materials collected on the islands from 1988 to 2007 focused on the Raizal, traditional Islander, community and their struggle with the Colombian state to maintain their customs, traditions and properties. The materials consist of:


There are also Transcripts of  the Islander Voices alongside the Voice recordings, Databases from surveys done in 2003 (San Andrés) and 2005 (Providencia) on the language, culture and identity of the population and a series of Articles analysing the data. In addition, there is a Map to orientate you and a Blog page for you to make comments and suggestions. Finally, there is a short piece giving Background to how this Islander Voices Project came about.


You can explore the Archive on your own using the Links Menu at the top of the page.









Home Page: Islander Voices from San Andrés, Providencia & Santa Catalina

Home Page: Islander Voices from San Andrés, Providencia & Santa Catalina

Home Page: Islander Voices from San Andrés, Providencia & Santa Catalina

Home Page: Islander Voices from San Andrés, Providencia & Santa Catalina

Home Page: Islander Voices from San Andrés, Providencia & Santa Catalina

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